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Suffer Unto, Oh Wait, Did I Just Start a Bible Verse?

December 11, 2010

I got up this morning and was browsing around on the internet, looking for things that I had no need for but wanted anyway. Then it dawned on me – this genius idea for setting a table when entertaining. And it involves denture cream. I want to see if it works in a very bad way. Unfortunately, we’ve got a blizzard going on in Minnesota today so I shouldn’t be driving around, picking up things that might not work. But I suspect this is a very good idea and you are all going to copy me. Unless it doesn’t work and I don’t admit my failure to you. Then you’ve got nothing to hold against me. Not here on my blog, not in a court of law.


Hey CyberMom Katie? Remember how you wanted to place a bet that I would go out again in the night time before mid-March? Guess who’s reluctantly going out next weekend? Me.

Here’s the thing, The Big Nugget goes down to First Avenue for all of these quirky little concerts with bands I don’t listen to (i.e, Black Rebel Motorcyle Club and The Jayhawks) (BTW – I’m sure my cool friend, lap, is reading this and shaking her head  with my version of quirky little concerts. Hi lap!) I don’t want to spend my time in a crowded bar trying to pretend I like being there when, 1) I rarely like live concerts anymore – unless it’s Ben Folds, James Taylor or Luther Vandross – who went and died on me so now I’m down to 2 people I’ll hang out in a crowded facility for; and 2) ditto #1 because I just realized I don’t have another reason but am too lazy to edit but not lazy enough to continue with this sentence. Thankfully, The Big Nugget’s best high school friend likes to go to the same concerts. Unthankfully, his best high school friend’s wife also likes to go along to the concerts. Which is fine and all but it makes me feel guilty because even though the friend’s wife goes, I don’t go. Not guilty enough to suffer through a crowd and music I don’t like so much. It’d be a different story were it Elton John or Barry Manilow, because I like their music and I’d only have to suffer the crowd.

Here’s the new dilemma to the concert plot…we were at a party last night and The Big Nugget invited my girlfriend’s husband to join his concert people for Soul Asylum next Friday. And the husband wants to go. As does his wife. My friend of 37 years. So if she’s going, now I have to go because 1) the guilt would ruin my evening and I’d suffer from that guilt more than were I to suffer the crowd, the cold, and the music I don’t care for; and 2) again, no number 2. The edit button is broken but the sentence writing button is ON!

Oh dear, I just looked up and out the window and the snow, it’s a blowing and a blizzarding all over the place and I still want to run out for denture cream. Which is just ironic because I’ll suffer a blizzard for something that might not work but whine on about going out to a concert where I’ll probably have fun and maybe my nephew, who works at the venue, will give me free drink tickets.

I am so difficult some times. I wish I were a simpler soul. Don’t you?

5 Comments leave one →
  1. katie permalink
    December 11, 2010 2:30 pm

    Ahem! It’s about that bet! Let’s see…the concert is next weekend? And that would be still in the month of December? And…..not MARCH!!! So…….guess I won that bet! (Darn, now I wish I had bet ‘something’ on it.) Anyway… you’ll have fun!

    And…..denture cream in a table setting? Now I’m not only a bet-winner, but a curious one at that!!

  2. December 11, 2010 2:37 pm

    Dude, they are essentially quirky little concerts. I’m sorry that you have to go to Soul Asylum though. At one time they were my favoritest band to see live, but I really don’t care anymore. That, in itself, is kind of depressing to me, but only in an abstract way. And even the quirky little concerts I do enjoy are too much for me usually, so ones that attract so many civilians really wear me out. Sometimes I force myself to go out, and I’m really glad I did, but other times I realize it wasn’t worth it. Big crowds really wear me out. So you have the permission of a reformed hipster that your reaction is totally valid and shared.

    • December 11, 2010 2:41 pm

      SnOwMG- I sound super pretentious in the above comment, for that I apologize. You know what a lame-o dork I am. I guess being your “cool” friend went to my head.

  3. Debby permalink
    December 12, 2010 7:57 am

    My husband would drive in the middle of a blizzard in negative temps to go see BRMC live. He seems them every time they come through St. Louis.

    Me? I’d rather stay home and listen to a cd. You’re a great wife and even better friend to break your vow of staying home.

  4. jeanniekay permalink
    December 12, 2010 9:07 am

    Denture cream? Secret to setting a table? TELL TELL TELL! I have a table to set next weekend and I’m in full blown panic mode over it (standard panic that I have every year).

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