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Extrovert Much?

December 25, 2010

The 12 lb. prime rib roast I made today turned out fabulous! There were only 8 of us so I’ve got a whole lot of prime rib left. And I’m not sharing any of it with any of you. I like you all, but this roast is mine!

The in-laws left shortly after we ate and I took a nap because even though it’s  really easy to make prime rib, I was still exhausted from the night before.

But I didn’t take a long nap because I had Christmas gatherings to crash. I got it in my head that I wanted to drop in at my high school girlfriend’s parent’s houses. Whether my high school girlfriends were there or not. But I didn’t just drop in, I gave a bit of a heads up on Facebook.

I stopped at my high school best friend, Tammy’s, parent’s house first. She wasn’t there but I spent over an hour with her parents and a few of her siblings. Some people might have thought that would be awkward but not me. Mostly because I pretty much spent my high school years at their house, even when Tammy was gone.

Then I went to my junior high school best friend, Patty’s, parent’s house. Patty and her husband were there. Which I knew because I would have been less likely to drop in at their house had Patty not been there. I love her family, too, I’m just not as close to them as Tammy’s family.

Sorry. Thinking out loud.

It was just the best Christmas Day I’ve had in a long time.

Extrovert much?

I’m curious – would any of you/do any of you do this kind of thing, too, or are you a bit more reserved about dropping in at old friend’s parent’s houses at Christmas?

6 Comments leave one →
  1. Paula G from Indiana permalink
    December 26, 2010 3:48 am

    “I’m curious – would any of you/do any of you do this kind of thing, too, or are you a bit more reserved about dropping in at old friend’s parent’s houses at Christmas?”
    I can’t they’re all dead.

  2. December 26, 2010 7:51 am

    It’s true, Paula, they’re all gone. But it’s more than that.

    I have been out of touch with one of my closest high school friends for a long time. I wrote her a letter a few years ago, and it was ignored. Her mother died last month, and of course I sent condolences; she had been like an extra mother to me, during those “angst-ridden years when a girl needs all the support she can get.” Yes, I wrote that about her. I received no reply to that either.

    Is that a friendship I want to renew?

  3. December 26, 2010 12:37 pm

    I sure would, if any of them lived nearby now. So much time was spent in one girlfriend’s parents’ house that it really was my second home.
    It sounds like your Christmas was all that the holiday should be.

  4. capitolady permalink
    December 26, 2010 6:14 pm

    The term heck no… No one I knew from high school is even worth all the money it would cost to travel all the way back to the town I grew up in. Even if I did have the money to travel such a great distance, I am more likely to visit my current classmates and drop in than I would any of them.

    I won’t even drop in on my neighbors without asking. I’m very pathetic.

  5. Floweer permalink
    December 27, 2010 9:19 am

    I would. Love those people – and I am so grateful to them – for holding me together. I saw quite a few at church over the weekend – and hugged them all. Love my “family by choice”.

  6. December 27, 2010 8:18 pm

    we had 3 shindigs to rock on christmas eve, so half of my day was spent in the car. i had to come up with a system whereby i cooked pans of stuffed shells at one house for the next one. everyone was cool with it. i gave christmas-themed kitchenwares and received the same in return.

    next year, i’m running away from home.

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